The Project
Arts Etobicoke, Mural Routes, the STEPS Initiative, and artist Bareket Kezwer present Augmented Representations: The North Etobicoke Mural Project. A Signature project of the Cultural Hotspot produced in partnership with the City of Toronto, StreetARToronto (StART) and supported by Toronto Pearson International Airport, the project is a summer-long, collaborative mural project in North Etobicoke.
The mural series will blend together current and historic narratives to embody the voices of community members. Artists and participants weave together images inspired by Indigenous narratives, personal experiences of local residents, and the landscape of the Humber River into a collection of meaningful and vibrant visuals. The project will be a chance for neighbours to get know each other, gather with friends and family, share their stories, while learning the art of mural - making!
Artists Bareket Kezwer, Mique Michelle, Moises Frank, and Rob Matejka will lead youth, adults, and seniors through the design and painting of three separate but interlocking murals through a series of workshops called Mural School. The workshop series will guide participants through safety measures, the steps of design, and painting process of large scale pieces. No experience is required, but a passion for arts is strongly encouraged!
Located along the retaining walls of Finch Avenue between Islington and Kipling. The project runs from May to July 2019.
Artist credit: Rob Matejka, Connections Mural, 2019

Mural credit: Shafia Shaikh, 2018
To participate or volunteer for our mural project, please contact Akshata Naik:

Mural Routes is the only member-based not-for-profit arts service organization in Canada dedicated to the creation, development and promotion of public wall art. We inspire the creation of extraordinary public wall art that serves as a catalyst for community building.
A Toronto based visual artist, muralist, curator, graphic designer and eternal optimist.
My work is motivated by a desire to spread joy, nurture present minded living, cultivate gratitude, and foster new social interactions.
Owner / Operator
An award winning charity at the intersection of arts and culture, community.
We seek to inspire cities across Canada and around the world to create welcoming public spaces that reflect and celebrate local community through artistic excellence.

Arts Etobicoke is a local arts service organization dedicated to expanding the artistic and cultural impact of the diverse communities of Etobicoke. We believe a strong, inclusive community is one in which everyone can freely express their art and culture to open and welcoming audiences.
Mique is a Franco-Ontarian Métis graffiti artist from West Nippissing. Her objective is to ensure that visible and invisible minorities have the tools to voice their concerns regarding their communities and the realities they face.
Rob Matejka has been an arts educator and mentor with Mural Routes for over 10 years, and has worked freelance with the City, TSB, TPL, and arts organizations across the city such as VIBE Arts, Lakeshore Arts, and Arts Etobicoke.